Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Crazy Tennessee Weather

Finally over the cold, cold winter in Tennessee and it has been beautiful and in the 80's for the past month or so. We had a devistating flood this past weekend that left many people without a home and completely devistated many businesses and lives. We were thankfully not effected by this, but its very sad for all of those in shelters and without flood insurance who are left with nothing right now.

On to a brighter note: Gavin has been wonderful lately. Very happy and always trying new sports and new games. He is very talkative and can articulate what he wants very well. He usually wears big boy underwear and I would say he is potty trained. He has some accidents, but for the most part he goes on the potty. He is very excited to become a big brother. He talks about it often and he says he wants a 'baby sister', but who knows.

Gavin has had so many different sitters and nannys for the past several months I am happy to finally feel like he has a little structure. He goes to someone else's house Monday and Wednesday where we gets to play all day with his friend Camden who is right about the same age, and then on Tuesday and Thursday he gets to play at our house with his sitter Haley who takes good care of him as well. He seems happy with this arrangement and if Gavin is happy, mommy is happy.

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