Monday, February 18, 2008

Gavin is born!

Story of the labor and delivery:

We went to the hospital to be induced on Feb 4th at 10pm. By 12:30am they started the pitocin. By 8:30am nothing had happened. I had been having small contractions all night, but nothing significant. My OB came in and broke my water sometime around 10am. I started having severe contractions right after my water was broken. They were very intense due to the fact that I had lots of pitocin built up all night as well as my own hormones which now came into action after my water was broken. I finally got an epidural and I was already 9cm dilated. I went from 3cm to 9cm in one hour! Gavin was born at 12:07pm Feb 5th weighing 7 lbs and 5 oz, he was 21 inches long.

When Gavin was one week old we had a large flood of water in our house due to a plumbing problem caused by the city. We had water all over our house. My family was in Texas visiting us and helped with the cleaning and damage control. We have been staying in a hotel while the cleaning company decontaminated and dehumidified our home. We are now waiting on insurance adjustment so we can get new floors in our house and start to enjoy our life with our new family member in our own house! We are trying to make the best of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lindsay and Ian,

    Congratulations on your beautiful new baby, Gavin!! He is very cute and we appreciated receiving the very cool b/w photo announcement of his birth. Wish our weather was as warm as yours down in big T. We'll have to meet little Gavin when you guys come up to visit this summer.

    Jennie & Daryl :-)
