Gavin is a little over 10 months now. Crazy how time goes by so fast. He can completey walk on his own, with no help. He can throw a ball, kick and dribble a ball and LOVES to watch the football spin on its end around and around, over and over.
Gavin loves to eat cheese, beans, chicken, corn and many other foods.
He can say kitty, dog, duck, dada, diaper, momma... but none really sound very much like the actual word. "keyd" for kitty and "dyedye" for diaper.
It has been pretty cold in Texas the last few weeks, sometimes even getting into the 40's.... all of you Nort Eastern people are probably laughing at that statement. We have a fire in our fireplace every single night.
We have our christmas tree up and ready for Santa to come down our chimney. We are going to have Christmas at our house in Texas on Saturday the 20th of December, since we'll be in NY for the actual holiday.