Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gavin - Milestones

Gavin can climb, walk, jump, dance whenever he hears music, run and harass the cats with decorative sticks he pulls out of the pot in the living room! He is very silly and laughs at things he deems to be funny.

Gavin can say "ki-dee" for kitty, "Da-Goon" for balloon, "goon" for moon, "soxxx" for socks, "shhhhh" for shoes, "yux" for yuck, "da" for ball, "da-dee" for daddy, "do-dee" for doggie, mo for "more" and "done" which he says perfectly.

He can sign about 10 signs and does a very good job of communicating what he wants.

He LOVES to play outside. He loves to play with the fake snake in the yard and drag it around and have maingy (one of our cats) chase it and drag it away. Gavin chases after Maingy, who is carrying the snake away. It is actually pretty funny to watch.

He loves going to the Little Gym. He goes Saturday mornings and he gets really excited when he is there. I think it has helped his motors skills, but I do rolls and tumbling with him at home, so mainly it is to help with the social skills he can't get from being at home all day. He interacts with other kids well.

Gavin loves to jump on mommy and give her lots of kisses. He gives kisses every time you tell him "no" he can't touch something or grab something. He is already manipulating us. He is a very sweet boy and generally is a happy kid as long as he isn't bored or hungry.

He loves to read books, practice new skills such as hitting a ball with a bat, which he can do pretty well already, throw and catch, dance, jump and imitate whatever dad is doing.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Gavin

Gavin turned 1 on February 5th. I cannot believe he is ONE already. He is so fun now!